Advertise with Virginia Equestrian on the US Equestrian Network
Key to our success has been the FREE aspects of our community. Free business listings in our Green Pages, free events listings in our calendar and free classified ads. We are proud to serve over 35.000 unique visitors every month, and to deliver more than 10 million webpages every year.
If you would like to reach our community through additonal advertising, here are a few options. For more information, please contact Chuck @ or Laurie @
Real Estate Sponsorship:
Our standard banner ads are 728x90 (pixels) and 460x60 (depending on position).
- $1,000 for annual sponsorship. This option features your banner within the listings on our "Equestrian Estates for Sale" linking directly to your website.
- Your ad in rotation on our front page.
- Your ad included in our quarterly newsletter
- We will post any article, written by you or one of your co-workers, on our front page for 1 week (articles about a particular property, or things to think about when putting your farm on the market, etc).
Standard Sponsorship:
Our standard banner ads are 728x90 (pixels) and 460x60 (depending on position).
- $600 for 3 month sponsorship, run of site. This option features your banner in our "Run of Site" campaign in Google Ad Manager. Your ad will show up on any of the hundreds of pages on VirginiaEquestrian, and will rotate throughout our site, including the front page and every category of classified.
- $300 for 1 month sponsorship, reserved page, 3 month minimum commitment. This option allows you to own the spot at the top of a particular page.
- $400 for 1 month sponsorship, front page top area (above the fold), 3 month minimum commitment. You can reserve the main banner on the front page, which gets tremendous results, typically over 500,000 views each month.
Enhanced Sponsorship:
- We'll make you a banner ad and post it on the front page, the horses for sale page, and the Fencing & Jumps classifieds page. $300 a month for 3 months is our minimum (single $900 invoice from Paypal), and we'll create the banner ad at no charge.
Example: Please send us some photos, a logo, or anything we can use for the banner. - Create an account and write an article. We would suggest writing it about your product (how to choose the proper fence types/materials, etc), about your company (how you got started, why you chose this line of work, etc). We'll post it on the front page to help highlight your business.
- Once you create an account, you should add a Green Page - the Yellow Pages of Virginia Equestrian. We get a ton of activity here, and the search engines - Google - will help people find you.
Video Advertising:
- We would LOVE to have more video on our site. If you have promotional video, including commercials or infommercials, and would like to see them on our site, please let us know.
- Rappahanock Air can shoot an aerial video of one of your projects. A great way to show off a large farm's fence. Example video here:
If you want to list your horse for sale, or put any type of listing in our classified section, click here to create an account then you can add your horse to our classifieds for free.
Marriage, Carriage and More, LLC dba Olde Towne Carriages |
Win Swept Farm, LLC |
Charisma's Landing LLC |
Virginia Tractor - Manassas |
Virginia Tractor - Winchester |
Virginia Tractor - Purcellville |
Virginia Tractor - Warrenton |
Virginia Tractor - Charlottesville |